Organizacja jubileuszu w Krakowie

gale i jubileusze

z hula events
Wyjątkowe chwile zasługują na wyjątkową oprawę! Zadbamy, by Twój jubileusz był jedyny w swoim rodzaju,…
akcje promocyjne, hostessy, promocje, akcje uliczne, samplingi

akcje promocyjne

z hula events
Wypromujemy wszystko, co zechcesz. Zrobimy to w sposób skuteczny i w założonym budżecie.

team building

z hula events
Efektywne zespoły zasługują na nagrodę! Zobacz, jakie formy teamowej integracji możemy Ci zaproponować.
piknik firmowy, family day

pikniki firmowe

z hula events
Radość, wolność, plener! Masa atrakcji dla starszych i młodszych gości. Wybierz wśród 10 tematów,…
Organizacja konferencji w Krakowie i nie tylko

konferencje i kongresy

z hula events
Twój cel biznesowy stanie się naszym celem. Powiedz tylko, co chcesz osiągnąć, a zaprezentujemy Ci…
DMC Poland w Krakowie, Warszawie i innych miejscach w Polsce

DMC Poland

z hula events
Gdziekolwiek zdecydujesz się jechać. Cokolwiek postanowisz zrobić. Jesteśmy gotowi zorganizować Twoją podróż lub wydarzenie kompleksowo…

an event agency recommended by the best

Corporate events

Corporate events account for over 85% of our projects, and 92% of our clients come back to us with further inquiries. Thanks to this, you can be sure that we are a reliable and specialized partner who, thanks to experience, guarantees the organization of corporate events at the highest level. We are pleased to present you the references received from our partners.

safe team building

We took care of the participants safety during team building events even before it became a necessity due to SARS-CoV-2. We know how to integrate a team so that it finished without sick leaves after returning from team building. Instead of old-school ice-break methods, we use elements of gamification so that everyone remembers the company’s  team building with interest and satisfaction.

exciting events for companies

Emotions create memories, so as a professional event agency we focus on creating the most positive connotations between the participants of Your event and Your brand. The atmosphere of the event is built by, among others, communication before, during and after the event, scenery, program, attractions, attention to detail and event service. As your event partner, we will take care of everything!

qualitative events

Lots of details determine the overall effect, which is why we pay special attention to them. We are aware that quality affects impressions, so we make sure that it would be visible at every stage of cooperation with us. An event company that can offer qualitative solutions within the budget set by the client is a valuable partner. That’s what we want to be for you. Let’s start with the conversation!

The newest articles about events

Corporate events in Krakow

A local partner who knows the city inside out is a treasure. As an event agency from Krakow, we guarantee that by working with us, you will gain full information about all the opportunities that Krakow offers. You can find flagship attractions and beaten paths on the Internet, but if you also want to use the city’s potential known only to its residents, you are in the right place. All you have to do is contact us and say what you need. We know every corner, every hotel and almost every restaurant in Krakow.  Let’s talk!

Event organization all over Poland

Wherever you are, wherever you want to organize an event, we are ready. We know how to find the best places and attractions anywhere in Poland. In most cities, we have friendly agencies that share local know-how with us if necessary. We regularly make site inspections, thanks to which we know the biggest Polish cities very well. An event in Krakow, Warsaw, Poznan, Wrocław, Lodz, Katowice or Gdansk? Sure!

Incentive trips

If you are wondering whether we will go with you to Marrakesh to prepare an integration game for your group, the answer is “yes”! We are happy to undertake the realization of incentive or any other foreign corporate events. The whole HULA team speaks English fluently, and each of us loves to travel and can talk for hours about the places we have visited. We made already event trips to, among others, Barcelona, the Philippines, Tenerife, Kiev, Svalbard, Bangkok, Budapest and New York.